Get in touch with us

Tidepool Communications is a group of presenters working to bring focus to topics that don’t get a lot of air-time. These projects are those pertaining to PTSD and traumatic brain injury. We emphasize EI topics, trauma informed care, trauma informed education. If you have an interest in bringing some of these topics or any of these topics to your place of business, we inform, educate, and empower groups/organizations/faculty with training and insight.

OUR priNcipal speaker

Nancy mullen

Nancy Mullen is a sought-after public speaker on topics such as LGBT Youth, Adolescent Development, and Current Trends in Working with LGBT Youth.

Equally passionate about her avocation, Nancy is ten credits away from her associate’s degree in Pastry Arts. Never one to do things the easy way, she thought it very important to pursue her master’s degree first so she could later get her associate’s degree in something completely unrelated to what she does for a living. The Urban Tidepool blog is the intersection of a career in human services, a chance to dabble in the culinary world and the experience of writing and publishing her first book. Most of the time, she can even remember to take off her chef’s hat when they sit down to write!

To request a book event or to invite Nancy to speak to a group, meeting or conference, click the button…

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