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An Ally’s Bill of Willingness

One of the tasks of my job is that I am the voice—the voice of Youth Outlook, the voice of the staff when I talk to the board of directors, the voice of administration when I talk to the staff. I’m often the messenger, so I knew and was comfortable with that role. As the voice, how could I also be an ally? Did I have to be? I’m a social worker. Wasn’t I already an ally? To whom? In more recent years, it’s not a question of whether I can or not, the question has become more how could I possibly...

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I Might Believe…

At my agency’s annual fundraiser, I shared a story that I’ve kept private over this past year that I’d like to share with you now. I originally decided to keep it private because I was so struck by the darkness and the cruelty of it that it didn’t feel necessary to allow it to touch other people, but after living with it all year, I’ve come to question if I saw the best part. Maybe there was more to it. After you think about it, you can let me know. Good evening. Welcome to Dare to Dream 2022....

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